Claim These Things Before 3rd May 2022 To Beat New HMRC Law

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A new law introduced by HMRC looks to call time on PAYE tax refunds in another blow to ordinary UK workers. Act by 3rd May 2022 to ensure your claim is accepted.

HMRC has declared war on PAYE taxpayers in an attempt to claw back COVID19 losses. If you are a regular UK worker you are likely to be affected by new legislation passed in April.

These changes, which come into effect on 6th May 2022, will make it much more difficult for UK workers to claim tax refunds.
We will be submitting tax refund claims on the current legal basis until 3rd May 2022. It is still uncertain about whether we will be able to submit claims beyond that date. Even if claims are possible beyond that date they will likely be much more difficult and expensive than they are now.
If one of the following applies the absolute deadline to submit your claim and ensure we can process it is 3rd May 2022.
· You wear uniform at work
· You work from home, or have done during COVID 19
· You work in healthcare or education
Details are as follows:

You Wear a Uniform at Work

The government has long recognised the costs of washing your uniform in the tax system. Unfortunately most uniformed workers are not currently getting what's due to them as reported in the Daily Express. Only 30% of eligible applicants have the allowance in their tax code.
Are you eligible? The basic criteria are:
· You have to wear a uniform at work
· It needs to be a recognisable work uniform (a branded T-shirt with your employer's name is enough)
· Hi-viz and overalls are also eligible, even without logos
· You have to wash it yourself
· You can backdate it for up to 5 years
· You can claim it for past jobs, even if you have left now


You Work From Home

This tax break allows workers to claim a rebate for working from home. Even if they only spent a single day away from the office in that tax year.
It began in 2003 to help home workers with gas, heating, internet and other utility bills. But the cost of it has ballooned following government guidance to stay at home.
About 4.9million people claimed the tax break last year, according to HMRC.
There were 13.4 million people working at home on 16th January, according to data from the Office of National Statistics.
So most of the people entitled to this allowance are still yet to claim it.
The basics:
· Allowance is due if you are REQUIRED to work from home.
· The rate is £6 per week, £312 per year.
· For the 2020/21 & 2021/22 tax years you can claim for the whole tax year (52 weeks). Even if you only worked at home for one day.
· Each taxpayer in the household can claim the allowance as long as they worked from home.

You Work in Healthcare or Education

NHS workers and teachers will lose out as they also pay professional, union and regulatory subscriptions. If you pay any of the following this change will make it much more difficult to get your tax refund.
Healthcare Workers
Unison, Royal College of Nursing, Royal College of Midwives, Heath Care Professions Council, Institute of Biomedical Science, The Society of Radiographers, Scottish Social Services Council, British Dietic Association, Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, British Association of Social Workers, Care Council for Wales, General Dental Council, British Dental Association, General Medical Council, British Medical Association, General Pharmaceutical Council, Royal Pharmaceutical Council, Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Administrators and Receptionists.
Teachers and Lecturers
National Education Union, NASUWT, GTC, Education Workforce Council, National Association of Head Teachers, Voice, University College Union, Education Institute of Scotland, Association of School and College Leaders.
TaxRefund.Co.UK have already claimed refunds for over 500,000 UK taxpayers and we can help you claim too.
All you have to do is enter a few basic details to get the no-obligation estimate and claim.

It's so easy to claim through our quick calculator, you can do it now in less than 2 minutes. Don't miss out, get your claim in now!

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02 Apr 2022 - 11:23 by William Churchill
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