Each tax year will be recalculated if you enter a claim. This often identifies other overpayments due to incorrect tax codes, multiple employments, ceasing of job, etc. In these cases we can identify a much larger tax rebate. We regularly identify rebates of over £1,000 for customers who were originally estimated a lower amount.
If you claim now you will receive tax relief for the current tax year and future years that allowances continue to apply, paid through your monthly pay, no charge will be made on future tax relief or refunds.
You don't need to make any upfront payment to us in order for us to check if you are due a rebate.
We will ensure that your current year reliefs are correct and that your future year allowances are adjusted in line with the current year to ensure you are no longer being overtaxed. There will be no charge calculated for amending your current tax code and you will receive any tax refunds due in the current year and in future years directly.
If you are due a refund in the 4 previous tax years we will receive that refund from HMRC on your behalf and deduct charges in accordance with those quoted on the website prior to making a payment to you.
Standard deduction is 30% + £30, plus VAT, where due on any refund payment HMRC send us before passing payment on to you. Charges are limited to the previous 4 tax years we check and we will not make any deduction on future tax refunds.
If no refund is due the service is FREE to use. If a refund is due standard pricing is 30% + £30, plus VAT, where due on any refund payment HMRC send us before passing payment on to you. The charge is levied on all refunds received from HMRC covered by the claim period (4 previous years) regardless of reason. When entering a claim you agree to legally and unconditionally assign the rights to any refund for the previous 4 years to OTR, when payment is made to us we will forward the residual balance to you net of our agreed fees. On receipt of the form HMRC will manually reconcile (calculate) your tax liability for each year of your claim. If unreconciled differences are present on your taxpayer record for any year these differences may positively or negatively effect your tax liability on top of the effect of any allowances or expenses claimed for. HMRC perform a more basic automatic reconciliation on taxpayer records from April to November in the tax year following the end of each tax year. By submitting your claim you forgo the rights to any benefits that may have been accrued as a result of HMRC performing an automatic reconciliation, from the date your form is received by HMRC.
Tax Rebates for Doctors and Surgeons
How would you react if you were told that you may be overpaying tax in the order of hundreds of pounds? Many doctors, surgeons and other healthcare workers may be in exactly that position, due to a lack of awareness about their entitlement to claim tax relief for employment-related expenses.
As a medical professional, you are likely to be paying at least several hundred pounds a year in professional fees – including your annual General Medical Council fee and British Medical Association subscription. Depending on your medical specialism, you may also be paying fees to other professional bodies such as the Royal College of General Practitioners or the Royal College of Physicians.
What many doctors and other healthcare workers may not realise is that certain expenses – including professional and union fees – incurred in connection with your employment are eligible for tax relief from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). In short, that means that if you haven’t specifically claimed for these deductions, then you may be paying too much tax to HMRC each year.
Expenses that may be eligible for tax relief include:
- General Medical Council (GMC) registration and annual retention fees
- British Medical Association (BMA) subscription fees
- Specialist royal college, society and association membership fees, including:
- Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP)
- Royal College of Physicians of London (RCP)
- Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE)
- Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS)
- Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd)
- Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath)
- Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland (SCTS)
- British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS)
The above list is by no means exhaustive, and your individual eligibility may depend on whether or not your employer already has an arrangement in place whereby they engage with HMRC directly to obtain these reliefs on behalf of their employees.
Other expenses may also be liable for tax relief under HMRC rules, such as fees incurred in connection with mandatory employment-related training. In 2013 the RCSEd negotiated with HMRC to make registration fees paid by surgical trainees to the Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) tax deductible. The tax authority’s decision to make training-related registration fees eligible for tax relief also covers fees paid to the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB).
It’s especially important for trainee and junior doctors to be aware of their entitlements to tax relief. The early years of your medical career often represent a period of considerable financial expenditure, and as many medical students are now graduating with increasing levels of debt, it makes sound financial sense to get to grips with your tax relief rights so you can be sure you’re not paying more than you need to.
HMRC rules on tax deductible expenditure aren’t always straightforward, but it’s worth taking the time to understand which expenses you may be able to claim against. Even laundry costs for workplace uniforms can be claimed, yet many medical professionals never take the time or effort to seek a tax rebate. With many doctors and surgeons potentially overpaying hundreds of pounds in tax each year, the question is: can you afford not to make a claim?
How to claim?
If you enter your details through the estimator and you can make get the forms a make a claim easily within 5 minutes: